Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Canned Art

I have found out that I am a little obsessed with spray paint. No, I don't sniff the stuff- I know that was your first thought (Ryan). I have found that I can make awesome stuff with it in no time!!
So I was a little bored the other day and decided to try to be creative. I had saved this board from the attic when I cleaned it out for insulation. My cousin recently got new furniture and she needed something for her walls to match. I got a roll of wrapping paper that matched her colors, 3 cans of spray paint, a board and went to work.
I cut a strip of wrapping paper and glued it to the board. I then used gold, bronze and brown spray paint to do the rest. I just tilted the board up and sprayed a lot to make them bled together.
This was my inspiration. I found this on the ZGallerie website.
So next time you have an empty wall. Don't go spend tons of money on some piece of art printed in China. Go to your local hardware store and get creative!


  1. whoa you are a little artist huh. glad to see i made your blog although in a negative way, it still counts


  2. SO CUTE...I need a cool creation like this when I give my guestroom a makeover so I'll need your help. I continue to be impressed with your talents anna joy windham shirley!

    randi (ofcourse)
